Your trusted partner in home and solar finance

Trusted for over 25 years in finance origination, we help make the move to solar quick, simple and more affordable. Fill in one application form and get access to the best solar finance options available in South Africa.

Let ooba get you multiple financing options from SA’s most trusted financial services providers. One application to ooba solar gets you multiple finance quotes and expert support throughout the process

The simplest way to find the best solar finance deals

Secure finance for your solar project with the support of ooba’s team of experts using these 5 easy steps

Check what you can afford

Work with your preferred installer and get a solar quote

Submit one application to access multiple finance options

We manage the entire application process and get you the best deal

Switch on and save!

Not finding what you need? Speak to one of our experts today and let ooba help you make the switch to solar a reality with specialised solar financing solutions designed to meet your specific needs

Why renewable energy is a good investment

You’ll increase the value of your home

Everyone wants the convenience and cost savings that a solar system can provide. Installing solar in your home improves the value of your asset. That’s a sweet position to be in, especially when you can show that electricity in your home costs less.

Save on electricity costs

Investing in renewable energy, like solar, offers price stability because you essentially fix the cost of your electricity over the life of your system. While price hikes from Eskom can catch you off guard, solar keeps your electricity bill completely in your control and provides increasingly cheaper electricity of time. Once your system is paid off, the energy it generates is essentially free!

You’ll be happier

With solar energy powering your home, you’ll have energy security and know that you are doing your part for the planet. Who knows when loadshedding will return, if it does you are already sorted! Remember the days of leaving home with wet hair, manually opening the gate in the dark or having to cook dinner for the family before the power went out?

It is easy to manage

A solar solution is easy to manage and won't take up much space. Unlike big, bulky, and noisy generators, solar power is compact, quiet, and hassle-free. It’s also not affected by fluctuating fuel or Eskom prices, making it a cost-effective option. With solar, you can avoid the inconvenience of load shedding and the uncertainty of uncontrolled price increases.

Why choose

for your solar finance? 

As a division of ooba, South Africa’s leading bond originator, ooba Solar Finance is committed to getting you the best rate for your solar project. It’s our mission.   

We exist to break down the barriers to green energy adoption by increasing access and simplifying the process

The ooba solar finance calculators draw on over 25 years of finance origination expertise to give you certainty of what you can afford.

We remove the hassle by working for you throughout the whole process. Our team of experts understand all the nuances and will help you navigate the entire process.

All the available finance options in one place. From further advances on your home loan to specialised solar finance in different forms. Our team will get the exact right option for you.

The data shows that a significant number of applications that are declined by one lender are approved by another. We partner will all leading financial service providers to ensure you get the finance you need.